Being creative takes a special kind of energy. Read on for my top tips for boosting creativity.
1) Take a walk
Walking in nature is scientifically proven to relieve stress, boost endorphins and improve thinking and concentration. On top of this, with the ever changing seasons, weather, plants and animals, there will always be something new and inspiring to see.
2) Create a playlist
Listening to happy music promotes more divergent thinking—a key element of creativity. I've got my own playlist in my studio to use when I'm creating and currently it includes; The soundtrack to King Arthur, Steeleye Span, Swan Lake and La Fille De Mal Gardee
3) Create a special place for you to be creative.
This space could be in your home or garden or your own studio. It doesn't need to be the perfect set up, just somewhere you can sit and daydream easily whilst writing or sketching your ideas. In my studio I like to keep an ideas board so I can easily pin up inspiring photos, images, quotes and poetry.
4) Stationery
Of course an important part of any creators toolkit is their stationery. I like to use good quality watercolour brushes. Charlotte in our team goes wild over bullet journals, stickers and highlighters and Tony likes to use a variety of mediums, especially pen and ink. Whatever you choose to work with, make sure it's something you enjoy using that allows you to explore endlessly.
5) Refreshments
No workspace is complete without a good cuppa and something to nibble on. Currently we're getting pretty excited at the prospect of having strawberries from the garden in our workspace with a huge dollop of cream! Pausing for a snack here and there has been shown to boost brain productivity and therefore get those creative juices flowing.
6) Switch off
Leonardo Da Vinci never had to put up with phones and emails buzzing so why should you? Take time to switch off devices for an hour or two during your creative time to prevent any interruptions to your flow.
7) Make mistakes
There is not right or wrong during creativity. One of the biggest things I have learnt as an artist is not to be afraid of making mistakes. Some of my favourite pieces of work started out a little wonky!