Spring has arrived with some beautiful sunny days which means that new life is beginning. As I am on lockdown due to the Covid-19 virus I am able to spend far longer in my garden than usual. I have become fascinated by all the different creatures from the smallest to the biggest who consider the garden their domain. From Looper caterpillars up to the ever present crows. The blue tit family are back in their nest box with the female sitting on about nine eggs and the male twittering nervously from a nearby branch like an anxious father.
The female blackbird eats the fat ball we put up on the fence and the robins enjoy a bird bath occasionally. Mason bees are happily checking out the bug hotel and will gradually lay their eggs, fill these tunnels with nectar and seal the entrance up. This year we are going to put a net over to guard against the Great Spotted Woodpecker, who frequents the garden, getting the young grubs.
One of the most exciting events in the garden recently was when a male orange tip butterfly emerged from it’s chrysalis and sat quivering on the stem of our woad plant. It warmed itself up gradually so that could fly and settled for the night on the fat ball feeder meant for the birds. In the morning as the sun grew warmer it flew away. We have had a number of birds including beautiful goldfinches who we have watched feeding on niger seeds hidden in our teasels, and several bee flies and bumble bees have been seen. I have spent some time drawing the forget me nots and the fritillaries too.
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